Thursday, May 11, 2017

From one mother to another, my letter to Ivanka Trump

Good news! According to, the Trump administration has delayed its decision about the Paris Climate Agreement. A meeting about the deal that was scheduled for this Tuesday between key administration officials was cancelled, and the President’s Press Secretary said the decision will be made at the end of this month. This shows that the global outcry by other heads of state, business leaders, scientists and regular people like us is working.

The more pressure we can apply between now and the end of May, the better. Sharing the petition to keep the pressure on would be a big help -- click here to share on Facebook and here to tweet.

When I heard that Ivanka Trump had been put in charge of the Paris Climate Agreement,  I tried to contact Ivanka by phone to ask her to encourage her father to honor our deal. The volunteer operator suggested that I write her. Wanna join me?

Ms. Ivanka Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW, Washington, DC 20500

Here's my letter for inspiration:

Dear Ms. Ivanka Trump,

I’m writing to you as a fellow mother. My husband and I live in Tucson, Arizona where we volunteer with Watershed Management Group to restore the ground water and rivers that have been depleted from a 20 year drought. Why do we do this? Because we want our children and all children to have access to clean water. The water we drink is currently pumped 330 miles uphill from the Colorado River. The pumps are powered by a huge, dirty coal powered plant. A growing number of children, including my own son, suffer from asthma. I believe it is caused by the pollution created by the coal plants. We live in the desert, so there is an abundant supply of sunlight year around. So there is no reason to keep these antiquated dirty coal powered plants going - especially since solar creates more higher paying, long term jobs than the rest of the fossil fuel industries combined! We should be leading the world in transitioning to clean energy.

Since I've been in Tucson, our yearly high has gone up from 107 to 117 degrees. Talking about getting out of the frying pan and into the fire! It will only get worse if we keep on extracting fossil fuels from our most vulnerable regions and don’t protect our forests and woodlands. We need trees to breathe! I want my children to be able to enjoy our incredible national parks and monuments without toxic black clouds hanging over them.

You have been given a great opportunity and responsibility. You can improve the future for your children and for all our children by championing the Paris Climate Agreement. The scientific consensus is that climate change is happening and is affected by human activity. Your father’s policies are making it worse! Please, honor our word and work with the other countries who also signed the Paris Climate Agreement – so we can leave an inhabitable planet for our children.

Thank you,

Jana Segal

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